Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obesity crisis: Count me in.

If we ever live together Mollz, we cannot get a deep fryer. We can't do that to ourselves, or to our friends who would have to wheel us out the door on flatbeds.

Anyway, maybe 10:30 is too early to be thinking about lunch, but it's videos like this that make me wish Italians had discovered the world outside pasta.

P.S. Keep your ears open for a prime "that's what she said" moment.


Molly said...

sadly i had to watch this twice to find the perfect that's what she said moment. i'm assuming you mean "oh my lord that's huge!"

and you're on your own on this one... this chicken does not look tasty. i will however blame this on the video, and i would try it and love it.

my senora had a deep fryer in spain. it was bad. but so good.

Kate said...

the moment was "You've got juice all over your face!" ...Aaaand now I feel dirty.

I think I was just hungry before. Now, one-pound hunks of chicken doesn't sound great. Luckily, I purchased a ginormous, 750g box of Special K today, which was on sale for 3 euro. Breakfast, here I come!

Molly said...

originally i thought it might be that line but then i thought maybe that was taking it too far. apparently not.