Friday, January 23, 2009

Molly's 2 fave things

In case you haven't seen this, which you probably have, given your radar for all things Jonas and Obama girls. However, just in case:

I love how Sasha is all, "I'm not dancing with Joe Jonas... Joe Jonas is dancing with ME."


Molly said...

LOTS to say about this one.

first i hadn't seen this, so thanks for sharing because obvi this has my name written all over it.

was that george lopez in the end on stage? what was he doing there?

good job correctly identifying joe jonas.

sasha was in heaven, as was malia but you could tell she was trying reallllly hard to look 'cool.'

loved that michelle was rocking out too. i'm going to have kids just as an excuse to obsess over tween stars. not that i don't do that anyway.

they do this everytime but i STILL can't get over the large black man that comes out and does a crappy rap. i really think it's their bodyguard and it's a joke. i'm not sure who is making fun of who but it's not funny.

Kate said...

I thought! that you would notice I had correctly identified a Jonas brother. I still don't know what the name of the least-appealing one is, but I know the cute one's Nick. I'm just going to call the other one "Alf."

I did a little googling and evidently "Big Rob" IS the JoBros' bodyguard. Still not sure why it's necessary for him to rap because I don't really... get it. But it did warrant a "multiculturalism" tag, so there you go. Also, my mind has now confused Big Rob with Rob & Big. Sigh.