Monday, January 19, 2009

Bing Bong Brothers

I'm not sure if you're familiar or not with the Whisper Song, but it's one of my least faves. It's really awful, the link there is the edited version of the song but use your imagination. I'm not a prude but... really!? Those are the best lyrics you could come up with?!

Anyway, this video is amazing. After the greatness that is Jizz in my Pants, I had to watch the majority of the lonelyisland videos on youtube and discovered this gem.


Kate said...

wow. I hadn't been familiar with the whisper song, so I'll be holding you responsible for somehow finding a way to get that three minutes of my life back. That was actually the worst thing I have ever seen. Lyrics like "walk around the club with your thong in your mouth" are not only gross, but baffling. Also, the grills and the facial hair. Woof.

That said, lonely island is genius.

Molly said...

Actually after reading your comment, I had to force myself to sit through the video because I'd never been able to watch the whole thing. SOO bad. Now, I'm curious as to what you have on your ass if your thong is in your mouth?

I always do a "would you rather hook up with Snoop Dogg or..." and the other person always wins, because Snoop is nasty. After seeing this, Snoop's looking pretty smokin'.