Friday, December 26, 2008

prop 8, little l8

Neil Patrick Harris - not sure where he goes in my top five lists, because right now I have two: guys (straight - cause, you know, I have a shot with Leo) and ladies (all flavors). Vote: Do I need a new list for Mr Harris, or do I just add him to one or both? I think I just answered my own question.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

i'm not sure if you've seen all the videos of people doing the dance to beyonce's single ladies music video... they may have been posted on here but i forget. anyway, this video proves things have gone TOO FAR. but i kind of love it.

Friday, December 19, 2008

i think j-mraz is my number 1.

this won't embed but go here

and watch and enjoy and fall in love, just as i did.

just cuz it's been awhile since i've watched this...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A contemporary twist on a classic

Charlie Brown Christmas has and probably always will be my favorite Christmas movie. I have extreme feelings of nostalgia and can even remember the old early 90s commercials that used to go along with it when it aired on network television (which it did the other night, on ABC). Santa twisting Oreo cookies, anyone? Anyway, this YouTube gem is a holiday season must-see.

you're welcome.

Friday, December 12, 2008

just 'cause it's Friiiiidaaaayyyy!

And also because it's mid-December and we've only posted two things. WHAT?! And because I'm a huge fan of fourfour, the blog where this came from (linked at right, I'm assuming you've clicked on it by now). And because, you know, Celine is ridiculous.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"At what point did you choose to not be gay?"

Rampant girlcrushes aside, Jon Stewart will, and forever will be, my number one.