Monday, January 26, 2009

squirrel melts

Ok I know I'm blowing up the blog right now with prolific and nauseating posts, so I promise I'll give it a rest after this one. But have you SEEN this?? I can't remember if I ever showed you this, or if you ever saw it in general, but it is truly priceless:

"Nutritious"... honestly?! Mayo, cheese, non-whole-grain English muffin, more cheese and, er, squirrel. This is as nutritious as a heart attack.

Deep fried WHAT?!

This is posted over at fourfour but in the interest of spreading the cheer around to the two other people who read this blog (shouting out Marie right now), here you go. I would like to apologize for the fact that this is my second deep-fried post in the recent past but... oh who am I kidding. I'm not sorry.

PS Molly please be aware that THIS is in NO way appetizing to me.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Molly's 2 fave things

In case you haven't seen this, which you probably have, given your radar for all things Jonas and Obama girls. However, just in case:

I love how Sasha is all, "I'm not dancing with Joe Jonas... Joe Jonas is dancing with ME."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ellen wears a Snuggie

My next professional endeavor might be figuring out how to land the internship that lets me rush a Snuggie out to Ellen on tv. I can't get over the entire family wearing snuggies, roasting marshmallows. How is hovering over a blazing fire wearing a ...blanket with sleeves Smokey the Bear does NOT approve.

Obesity crisis: Count me in.

If we ever live together Mollz, we cannot get a deep fryer. We can't do that to ourselves, or to our friends who would have to wheel us out the door on flatbeds.

Anyway, maybe 10:30 is too early to be thinking about lunch, but it's videos like this that make me wish Italians had discovered the world outside pasta.

P.S. Keep your ears open for a prime "that's what she said" moment.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bing Bong Brothers

I'm not sure if you're familiar or not with the Whisper Song, but it's one of my least faves. It's really awful, the link there is the edited version of the song but use your imagination. I'm not a prude but... really!? Those are the best lyrics you could come up with?!

Anyway, this video is amazing. After the greatness that is Jizz in my Pants, I had to watch the majority of the lonelyisland videos on youtube and discovered this gem.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What invert you like

Marie's sister's grad advisor made this. When he gets famous because of this blog, I'm going to ask for my very own starfish.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009