Monday, February 9, 2009

the jobros drive me wildddd

and my thoughts about them are going to put me in jail.

but really? stevie and the jobros? if i, one of their biggest supporters, does not agree with this collaboration, i can only imagine what the haters are saying.

that said, it's not a bad performance. i don't mean to be contradictory but considering the fact that they paired a legend with some (hot) preteens, it's entertaining.


Kate said...

the Grammys removed this before I could watch it.

This is why I download everything illegally with no shame or regret whatsoever.

Kate said...

alright, found a rogue VHS-quality copy on youtube. I would agree that while the performance was passable, the pure juxtaposition was enough to make me a little uncomfortable. In conclusion, if we take nothing else away from this performance, it does remind us that there's at least one person in the world who doesn't judge Kevin for putting the Scary in the Jonas family spice rack.