Friday, September 19, 2008

Italian lessons, parte due.

and on a related note: I'm pretty sure that this article says that the famous show, SNL, has created a character that many Italians don't really appreciate. But the author of the article says that frankly it doesn't really bother him cause it isn't, like, too far from the truth? And that Americans have a different sense of humor? I think? (The cigarettes thing, though, is non-negotiable. Die in jail indeed.) Anyway, I'm not sure, since I'm one of those Americans who lives in Italy but doesn't speak Italian. I may have to do some field research. But for the record, Andy Samberg... top 5.


Molly said...

wow, andy samberg plays a HUGE role in that one.

Kate said...

Quality not quantity. That five-second cameo was spot-on.